Through a strategic merger, two prominent electric scooter and bike rental companies embarked on a transformational journey to consolidate their strengths and redefine urban mobility in the Latin American market. The primary goal of this project was to create a compelling brand identity that seamlessly integrated the essence of both merging companies while projecting a new image with emotional appeal for users in various different countries alike.
The genesis of this new brand unfolded on the streets, where our customers would naturally encounter Grin. Our investigative process for inspiration took us to the streets on bikes and electric scooters, immersing ourselves in the very environment we sought to transform. The street itself, with its textures, imperfections, and varied surfaces, became our inspiration and material for experimentation at the same time. Further we tracked our movement throughout the city while using the scooters, resulting in insights for the visual language of the new brand.
Elevating Urban Mobility
Navigating the process
The patterns derived from our experimental creative phase became a visual embodiment of urban dynamics, infusing the brand with a distinctive, fun, and bold identity. Shapes of city blocks, cut from maps, were transformed into image frames and grids. Logo and graphical elements were inspired by the movement through the city recorded on our tracking apps. Branded ramps to bridge the curbs of sidewalks became an idea to solve a reappearing problem while riding the scooters through the city. Sponsored cycle lanes were developed as contributions not only for the benefit of our brand's users but also for the broader two-wheel community. A diverse collection of branding assets, seamlessly resonating with street culture, positioned Grin as more than a mere brand – it evolved into an artistic tribute to the contemporary navigation of vibrant cities.